upaddha sutta
Dictionary Definition :
Upaddha Sutta
Preached at the Sākyan township of Sakkara. Ānanda mentions to the Buddha his view that half the holy life consists in friendship with the good. The Buddha says that it is not the half but the whole of the holy life, and proceeds to explain (S.v.2). In the Kosala Samyutta (S.i.87) we find the Buddha relating this incident to Pasenadi.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
upaddhadussadāyaka thera , upadduta , upadduta sutta , upadeha , upadehavat , upaḍḍha , upaddavati , upaddava , upaḍayhati , upādayati