(Sanskrit). Confidence, fearlessness, or proficiency. Buddhas (and according to Mahāyāna, also Bodhisattvas) are endowed with four types of unshakable confidence known as the ‘Four Fearlessneses’. These are (1) his perfect enlightenment (bodhi) is irreversible; (2) all the impurities (āśrava) have been destroyed; (3) all obstacles have been overcome; (4) the means to overcoming rebirth (saṃsāra) has been proclaimed.
vaiśāradya[vesārajja] fearlessness. Vaiśāradya is a quality ascribed to a Buddha. The vaiśāradya-s are four, namely,(1) the confidence arising out of realising all dharma-s,
(2) the confidence arising out of the knowledge that he is free from all defilements and delusions,
(3) the confidence arising out of his capacity to preach precisely and correctly the nature of karma and defilements, and
(4) the confidence arising out of asserting correctness of his way to emancipation.