(Sanskrit, adamantine being). A Buddha in the Tibetan tantric tradition associated with spiritual purification and the overcoming of negative mental tendencies. He is depicted as white in colour and holding a thunderbolt (vajra) in his right hand, symbolizing his indestructible purity, and a bell (ghaṇṭā) in his left, signifying compassion. His 100-syllable mantra is well known and commonly recited in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
○sattva m. 'having a soul or heart of adamant', N. of a Dhyānibuddha Dharmas. 3
• ○ttvâtmikā f. N. of Vajra. sattva's wife W
rdo rje sems can
[translation-san] vajrasattva
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Vajrasattva [p.n. of a Buddha]
rdo rje sems dpa'
[translation-san] vajrasattva
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Vajrasattva