vimutti: 'deliverance', is of 2 kinds: deliverance of mind (ceto-vimutti, q.v.) and deliverance through wisdom (paññā-vimutti, q.v.).
'Deliverance of mind', in the highest sense, is that kind of concentration (samādhi) which is bound up with the path of Arahatship (Arahatta-magga); 'deliverance through wisdom' is the knowledge (ñāṇa) bound up with the fruition of Arahatship (Arahatta-phala). Cf. A. V, 142.
There are also 5 kinds of deliverance, identical with the 5 kinds of overcoming (pahāna, q.v.).
vimutti : [f.] release; deliverance; emancipation.
Vimutti (f.) [fr. vimuccati] release, deliverance, emanci- pation D i.174; iii.288; S v.206 sq. (abhijānāti), 222 (ariya˚), 266, 356; A ii.247, iii.165 (yathābhūtaŋ pajānāti), 242, Sn 54, 73, 725 sq.; J i.77, 78, 80; Ps i.22; ii.143 sq.; Nd1 21; Pug 27, 54 sq.; Vbh 86, 272 sq., 392 (micchā˚) Nett 29; Vism 410; Sdhp 614. -- ceto˚ (& paññā˚) emancipation of heart (and reason) D i.156; iii.78, 108, 247 sq., 273; S i.120; ii.214; iv.119 sq.; v.118 sq., 289 sq.; A i.123 sq., 220 sq.; 243; ii.36, 87, 214; iii.20, 131, 400; iv.83, 314 sq.; v.10 sq.; Vbh 344; Nett 40, 43, 81 sq., 127. -- sammā˚ right or true emancipation A ii.222 sq.; v.327; Ps i.107; ii.173. -- See also arahatta, upekkhā, khandha ii.A, dassana, phala, mettā.
-- rasa the essence of emancipation A i.36; iv.203; PvA 287. -- sāra substance or essence of emancipation A ii.141, 243; iv.385.
vimukti[vimutti] liberation. There are three approaches to attain vimukti. These approaches are based on the three aspects of mind, namely, will, emotion and knowledge. Aspirants may adhere to determination, tranquillity or wisdom in order to attain liberation. Those who are endowed with determination consider all formations impermanent and attain the signless or conditionless liberation. Those who are endowed with tranquillity consider all formations as sufferings, and attain the desireless vimukti. Those who adhere to wisdom and consider all formations devoid of the self attain emptiness or void. The first and the second are known as cetovimukti. The third is known as prajñā-vimukti which takes place after the eradication of the āsava-s of heart. Other classification of vimukti deals with five kinds of emancipation. They are
(1) Freedom from defilements for a long time due to sustained mental absorption. In this kind of emancipation the five hindrances (nīvaraṇa-s) are suspended during absorptions just as a pot thrown into the water pushes the moss aside. This kind of emancipation is known as vikkhambhana vimutti.
(2) Momentary freedom from the view that the conditioned phenomena are permanent, unchanging and have a soul. This kind of emancipation is obtained through contemplation upon the impermanent, soulless and everchanging nature of the phenomena. The emancipation is known as tadaṅga vimutti.
(3) Freedom attained through uprooting of defilements on attainment of the four mārga-s. In this state after the attainment of the knowledge of the Noble Path, fetters are destroyed like a tree struck by lightning. This kind of emancipation is known as samuccheda vimutti.
(4) Freedom from defilements attained through the four fruitions. It is the attainment of tranquillity. In this kind of emancipation extinction of fetters takes place. The fetters are forever stilled. This kind of emancipation is known as paṭipassaddhi vimutti.
(5) Freedom from defilements attained through the realisation of nirvāṇa. In this kind of emancipation known as nissaraṇa vimutti all wrong views are extinguished.