毘尼 The vinaya, or system of moral discipline followed by members of the Buddhist sangha. See 戒律.
毘奈耶 Chinese transcription of the Sanskrit/Pali vinaya, which is usually translated into Chinese as 律. The body of texts containing the precepts which serve as a guide for the behavior of Buddhist practitioners. Also transcribed as 毘那耶.
vinaya, from vi-ni, to 1ead, train: discipline: v. 毘奈耶; other names are Prātimokṣa, śīla, and upalakṣa. The discipline, or monastic rules; one of the three divisions of the Canon, or Tripiṭaka, and said to have been compiled by Upāli.
律 (1) Rule, law, precept, condition, norm. In Buddhism, the rules of discipline for the clergy vinaya. Also written 戒律. (2) To take as a model. (3) Musical scale. (4) A genre of Han poetry. (5) The Vinaya sect 戒律宗.
vinaya, General term referring to monastic discipline, law, custom, and practice, the regulations concerning which are set out in the Vinaya Piṭaka.
vinaya : [m.] discipline; the code of monastic discipline; removal.
vinaya [fr. vi+nī, cp. vineti] 1. driving out, abolishing destruction, removal Vin i.3 (asmi -- mānassa), 235= iii.3 (akusalānaŋ dhammānaŋ vinayāya dhammaŋ desemi); S i.40; Sn 921; A i.91 (kodha˚, upanāha˚); ii.34 (pipāsa˚); iv.15 (icchā˚); v.165 (id.); SnA 12; PvA 114 (atthassa mūlaŋ nikati˚). Often in phrase rāga˚, dosa˚, moha˚, e. g. S iv.7 sq.; v.137 sq., 241; A iv.175; Nett 22. -- 2. rule (in logic), way of saying or judging, sense, terminology (cp. iminā nayena) S iv.95 (ariyassa vinaye vuccati loko); A i.163 (ariyassa vinaye tevijjo one called a threefold wise in the nomenclature of the Buddhist); ii.166 (ariyassa v.); SnA 403. -- 3. norm of conduct, ethics, morality, good behaviour Sn 916, 974; J iv.241 (=ācāra -- vinaya C.); A ii.112; iii.353 sq. (ariya -- vinaye saddhā yassa patiṭṭhitā etc. faith established in Buddhist ethics). -- 4. code of ethics, monastic discipline, rule, rules of morality or of canon law. In this sense applied to the large collection of rules which grew up in the monastic life and habits of the bhikkhus and which form the ecclesiastical introduction to the "Dhamma," the "doctrine," or theoretical, philosophical part of the Buddhist Canon. The history & importance of the Vinaya Piṭaka will be dealt with under the title "Vinaya" in the Dictionary of Names. Only a few refs. must suffice here to give a general idea. See also under Dhamma C., and in detail Geiger, Dhamma pp. 55 -- 58. -- Often combd with dhamma: dhammato vinayato ca on the ground of Dh. and V. Vin i.337; cp. ii.247. -- dhammo ca vinayo ca Vin i.356; ii.285, 302; or (as (Dvandva) dhammavinaya (i. e. the teaching of the Buddha in its completeness) D i.229; Vin ii.237 sq.; M i.284; ii.181 sq.; A i.283; iii.297, 327; S i.9; iii.65; Ud 53; VvA 3. Often approaches the meaning of "Buddhist order," e. g. Vin i.69; D i.176; Mi.68, 459, 480; iii.127; S ii.120; A i.185; ii.123; v.122. -- See further Vin ii.96 (vinaye cheko hoti); A ii.168 (ayaŋ dhammo, ayaŋ v., idaŋ Satthu -- sāsanaŋ); Vism 522; VbhA 273; KhA 106, 151; SnA 4, 195, 310. -- a -- vinaya one who sins against the V. (like a -- dhamma one who neglects the Dh.) Vin ii.295 sq.; iii.174; A i.18; v.73 sq. -- The division of the books of the Vinaya is given at DhsA 18. Its character (as shown by its name) is given in the foll. verse at DhsA 19: "(vividha -- visesa -- ) nayattā vinayanato c' eva kāya -- vācānaŋ vinayy' attha -- vidūhi ayaŋ vinayo Vinayo ti akkhāto," i. e. "Because it shows precepts & principles, and governs both deed and word, therefore men call this scripture V., for so is V. interpreted" (Expos. i. 23).
-- aṭṭhakathā the (old) commentary on the Vinaya Vism 72, 272; VbhA 334; KhA 97. -- ânuggaha taking up (i. e. following the rules) of the Vinaya Vin iii.21; A i.98, 100; v.70. -- kathā exposition of the Vinaya Vin iv.142. -- dhara one who knows or masters the V. by heart, an expert in the V. Vini.169; ii.299 (with dhamma -- dhara & mātikā -- dhara); A i.25; ii.147; iii.78 sq., 179, 361; iv.140 sq.; v.10 sq.; J iii.486; iv.219; Vism 41, 72; KhA 151; DhA ii.30 (with dhamma -- kathika & dhuta -- vāda) [cp. BSk. vinayadhara Divy 21]. -- piṭaka the V. Piṭaka KhA1 2, 97; VbhA 431. -- vatthu chapter of the V. Vin ii.307. -- vādin one who professes the V. (or "speaking in accordance with the rules of conduct"), a V. -- follower D i.4 (here expld by Bdhgh as "saŋvara -- vinaya -- pahāna -- vinaya sannissitaŋ katvā vadatī ti" v. DA i.76, thus taking it as vinaya 3) =M iii.49=Pug 58 (trsln here: "speaking according to self -- control"); D iii.135, 175.
The disciplinary teachings of the Buddha.
gdul ba
[translation-san] {C} vinayana
[translation-san] {MSA} vinaya
[translation-san] {MSA} vineya
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} discipline; disciplining
gdul bar bya ba
[translation-san] {C} vainayika
[translation-san] {MSA} vinaya
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} trainee
[translation-eng] one to be disciplined
'dul ba
[translation-san] {C,MSA} vinaya
[translation-san] {vi √nī} : {MSA}vinayati
[translation-san] {MSA} vinayana
[translation-san] {MSA} vineya
[translation-san] {C} damana
[translation-san] {C} dharṣayati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} discipline; monastic discipline; to be tamed; to be trained
[translation-eng] {C} self-discipline; overpower; subdue
[comments] one of the five main divisions of study in Tibetan Ge-luk-ba monasteries; the others are: valid cognition (tshad ma, pramāṇa); perfection of wisdom (phar phyin, prajñā-pāramitā); the middle way school (dbu ma, mādhyamaka); and the Compendium of Knowledge (chos mngon mdzod, abhidharma-kośa)