vipakkhasevaka bhikkhu vatthu
Dictionary Definition :
Vipakkhasevaka bhikkhu Vatthu.
The story of a monk who joined Devadatta’s followers because of the rich offerings which he received, afterwards returning to his companions.
He was reported to the Buddha, who related the Mahilāmukha Jātaka and identified the elephant of the story with the monk. DhA.iv.95 7.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
vipakkhika , vipakkhin , vipakṣa , vipakṣa-prātikpakṣika , vipalāvita , vipakkhasevaka , vipakkha , vipakka , vipākatta , vipākaja