vipatti : [f.] failure; misfortune; distress; going wrong.
Vipatti (f.) [vi+patti2] wrong state, false manifestation, failure, misfortune (opp. sampatti) Vin i.171 (ācāra˚ failure of morality); A i.270 (ājīva˚); iv.26, 160 (atta˚, para˚); Ps i.122; J vi.292; Nett 126 (the 3 vipattiyo: sīla˚, diṭṭhi˚, ācāra˚); DhA i.16 (sīla˚) DA i.235. <-> Often in pair diṭṭhi˚ wrong view, heresy, & sīla˚ moral failure: D ii.213; A i.95, 268, 270; Vin v.98; Vbh 361; Dhs 1361. -- payoga˚ wrong application PvA 117, 136 (opp. ˚sampatti).
vipratipatti[vipatti] deviation, Vipratipatti means failure. The threefold failure is failure regarding morality (śīla vipratipatti) [sīla vipatti], holding wrong view (dṛṣṭi vipratipatti) [diṭṭhi vipatti], and wrong conduct (ācāra vipratipatti) [ācāra vipatti].
[translation-san] {C} hāna
[translation-san] {C,MSA} hāni
[translation-san] {√hā} : {MSA}hīyate
[translation-san] {C} hīna
[translation-san] {C} kṣati
[translation-san] {C} vikala
[translation-san] {C} bhajyate
[translation-san] {MSA} chidratva
[translation-san] {MSA} vipatti
[translation-san] {MSA} vilekha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} a feeling; an experience; a vision; spoiled; defiled; corrupted; degenerated; deterioration
[translation-eng] {C} impairment; deficient; breaks; forsaking; loss; failure; diminution; decrease; waning; inferior; low; lesser; disagreeable; left behind; mean