Conditionings disjoined from thought.
ldan min 'du byed
[translation-san] viprayukta-saṃskāra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} non-associated compositional factor
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid 1 bem shes gang rung ma yin pa'i dngos po/ 2 gzugs shes gang rung ma yin pa'i dngos po/ 3 bem shes gang rung ma yin pa'i 'dus byas/
[definition-eng] Definitions: (1) a thing that is neither matter nor consciousness; (2) a thing that is neither form nor consciousness; (3) a compounded phenomenon that is neither matter nor consciousness
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 gang zag yin par gyur pa'i ldan min 'dus byed/ 2 gang zag ma yin par gyur pa'i ldan min 'dus byed
[division-eng] Divisions: (1) non-associated compositional factor that arises as a person; (2) non-associated compositional factor that does not arise as a person
[comments] Comment: Examples of this include wide categories which cannot be tied down to being just matter or just consciousness, such as thing (dngos po), specifically characterized phenomenon (rang mtshan), that which is able to perform a function (don byed nus pa).