vīra : [adj.] brave; heroic. (m.) a hero.
Vīra [Vedic vīra; cp. Av. vīra, Lat. vir, virtus "virtue"; Gotu. wair, Ohg, Ags wer; to vayas strength etc.; cp. viriya] manly, mighty, heroic; a hero S i.137; Sn 44, 165 (not dhīra), 642, 1096, 1102; Th 1, 736 (nara˚ hero); Nd2 609; DhA iv.225. -- mahā˚ a hero S i.110, 193; iii.83 (of the Arahant). -- vīra is often an Ep. of the Buddha.
-- angarūpa built like a hero, heroic, divine D i.89; ii.16; iii.59, 142, 145; S i.89; Sn p. 106; expld as "devaputta -- sadisa -- kāya" at DA i.250 & SnA 450. <-> The BSk. equivalent is var -- anga -- rūpin (distorted fr. vīr˚), e. g. MVastu i.49; ii.158; iii.197.
【藏】dpa' bo
rtul phod
[translation-san] {C} vīra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} hero
[translation-eng] {C} champion