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virāga : [m.] dispassionateness; absence of desire.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Virāga [vi+rāga] 1. absence of rāga, dispassionateness, indifference towards (abl. or loc.) disgust, absence of desire, destruction of passions; waning, fading away, cleansing, purifying; emancipation, Arahantship. <-> D iii.130 sq., 136 sq., 222, 243, 251, 290; S i.136; iii.19 sq., 59 sq., 163, 189; iv.33 sq., 47, 226, 365; v.226, 255, 361; A i.100, 299; ii.26; iii.35, 85, 325 sq.; iv.146 sq., 423 sq.; v.112, 359; Th 1, 599; Sn 795; Ps ii.220 sq.; Nd1 100; Kvu 600=Dh 273=Nett 188 (virāgo seṭṭho dhammānaŋ); Dhs 163; Nett 16, 29; Vism 290 (khaya˚ & accanta˚) 293. -- Often nearly synonymous with nibbāna, in the description of which it occurs frequently in foll. formula: taṇhakkhaya virāga nirodha nibbāna, e. g. S i.136; Vin i.5; A ii.118; It 88; -- or combd with nibbidā virāga nirodha upasama . . . nibbāna, e. g. M i.431; S ii.223; cp. nibbāna ii.B1 & iii.8. -- In other connection (more objectively as "destruction"): aniccatā sankhārānaŋ etc., vipariṇāma virāga nirodha, e. g. S iii.43; (as "ceasing, fading away":) khaya( -- dhamma liable to), vaya˚, virāga˚, nirodha˚ M i.500; S ii.26. -- 2. colouring, diversity or display of colour, dye, hue (=rāga 1) J i.89 (nānā˚ -- samujjala blazing forth different colours); 395 (nānā˚ variously dyed); PvA 50 (nānā˚ -- vaṇṇa -- samujjala).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

virāga[virāga] detachment. Rāga is attachment. Virāga means detachment from lust. The word virāga is often compounded with nirodha, that is, cessation. It comprises both -- the temporary cessation of the phenomena and its permanent cessation (nirvāṇa).

Buddhānusmṛti - A Glossary of Buddhist Terms

'dod chags dang bral ba

[translation-san] {C,MSA} virāga

[translation-san] {C,MSA} vīta-rāga

[translation-san] {MSA} vairāgya

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} free from desire

[translation-eng] {C} without greed; turned away from greed

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'dod chags dang bral bar bgyi ba


  • bgyi
  • bgyid
  • bgyis
  • gyis

[translation-san] {C} virāga

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} become/make free from desire

[translation-eng] {C} dispassion; withdrawal; distaste

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'dod chags bral ba

[translation-san] {C} virāga

[translation-san] {C} vīta-rāga

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} free from desire

[translation-eng] {C} dispassion; withdrawal; distaste; without greed; free from greed

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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