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Dictionary Definition :

visattikā : [f.] attachment; craving.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Visattikā (f.) [visatta+ikā, abstr. formation] clinging to, adhering, attachment (to=loc.), sinful bent, lust, desire. -- It is almost invariably found as a syn. of taṇhā. P. Commentators explain it with ref. either to visaṭa (diffused), or to visa (poison). These are of course only exegetical edifying etymologies. Cp. Dhs. trsln § 1059; Expositor ii.468: Brethren 213 n. 3, K.S. i.2, n. 6, and the varied exegesis of the term in the Niddesas. <-> S i.1, 24, 35, 107, 110; A ii.211; iv.434; Sn 333, 768, 857, 1053 sq.; Th 1, 519; Nd1 8 sq., 247; Nd2 598; DhA iii.198; iv.43; DhsA 364; Nett 24; Dhs 1059.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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