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Vissajjati [vi+sajjati, of sṛj. The ss after analogy of ussajjati & nissajjati, cp. ossajjati for osajjati]. A. The pres. vissajjati is not in use. The only forms of the simple verb system are the foll.: ger. vissajja, usually written visajja, in meaning "setting free," giving up, leaving behind Sn 522, 794, 912, 1060; Nd1 98; Nd2 596. -- grd. vissajjaniya [perhaps better to vissajjeti1] to be answered, answerable; nt. a reply Nett 161, 175 sq., 191; and vissajjiya to be given away: see under . <-> pp. vissaṭṭha. -- B. Very frequent is the Caus. vissajjeti (also occasionally as visajj˚) in var. meanings, based on the idea of sending forth or away, viz. to emit, discharge J i.164 (uccāra -- passāvaŋ). -- to send Mhvs 8, 3 (lekaŋ visajjayi). -- to dismiss PvA 81 (there). -- to let loose PvA 74 (rathaŋ). -- to spend, give away, bestow, hand over Pug 26 (visajj˚); Nd1 262 (dhanaŋ); Miln 41 (dhaññaŋ); PvA 111, 119. -- to get rid of J i.134 (muddikaŋ). -- to answer (questions), to reply, retort Sn 1005 (˚essati, fut.); VvA 71; PvA 15, 59, 87. -- pp. vissajjita. -- Caus. II. vissajjāpeti (in meanings of vissajjeti) J iv.2 (hatthaŋ=to push away); Miln 143; Mhvs 6, 43.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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