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Vosāna (nt.) [v(i)+osāna] 1. (relative) achievement, per- fection (in this world), accomplishment M ii.211 (diṭṭhadhamm' âbhiññāvosāna -- pārami -- ppatta); Dh 423 (cp. DhA iv.233); Th 1, 784 (˚ŋ adhigacchati to reach perfection). -- 2. stopping, ceasing; in phrase ˚ŋ āpajjati (almost equal to pamāda) to come to an end (with), to stop, to become careless, to flag M i.193; J iii.5; PvA 29; antarā ˚ŋ āpajjati to produce half -- way achievement, to stop half -- way A v.157, 164; It 85. Kern, Toev. s. v. quite wrong "to arrive at a conclusion, to be convinced".

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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