vyākaraṇa (Sanskrit).
1. Explanation, elucidation, or analysis, particularly with reference to points of doctrine.2. The science of grammar.
3. A prediction or prophecy, used especially in Mahāyāna sūtras with reference to the prediction given by a Buddha to a Bodhisattva who has just embarked on the path. The prediction often details the Bodhisattva's future deeds, his achievement of enlightenment (bodhi) and his eventual name as a Buddha.
vyākaraṇa : [nt.] grammar; explanation; answer; declaration.
Vyākaraṇa (nt.) [fr. vyākaroti; see also veyyākaraṇa] 1. answer (pañha˚), explanation, exposition A i.197; ii.46; iii.119; SnA 63, 99; KhA 75, 76. -- 2. grammar (as one of the 6 angas) SnA 447; PvA 97. -- 3. prediction J i.34, 44; DhA iv.120.
Explanation, prediction (a later acquired meaning). Also, the third of the dvādaśāṅga-dharma-pravacana.