Yebhuyyasikā (f.) [formation fr. yebhuyya like tassa- pāpiyya -- sikā. Originally adj., with kiriyā to be understood] lit. "according to the majority," i. e. a vote of majority of the Chapter; name of one of the adhikaraṇa -- samathas, or means of settling a dispute. -- Vin. ii.84 (anujānāmi bh. adhikaraṇaŋ yebhuyyasikāya vūpasametuŋ), 93 (vivād' âdhikaraṇaŋ dvīhi samathehi sammati: sammukhā -- vinayena ca yebhuyyasịkāya ca). As one of the 7 methods of settling a dispute mentioned at Vin iv.207=351 (the seven are: sammukhā -- vinaya, sati -- vinaya, amūḷha˚, paṭiññā, yebhuyyasikā, tassa -- pāpiyyasikā, tīṇ' avatthāraka). Expld in detail at M ii.247: if the bhikkhus cannot settle a dispute in their abode, they have to go to a place where there are more bh., in order to come to a vote by majority. Cp. D iii.254 (the seven enumd); A i.99; iv.144.