yojeti : [yuj + e] yokes; harnesses; combines; unites; mixes; applies; prepares; urges.
Yojeti [Caus. of yuñjati] 1. to yoke, harness, tie, bind Pv ii.936 (vāhana, the draught -- bullock); Mhvs 35, 40 (yojayi aor.; v. l. for yojāpayi); PvA 74 (sindhave). <-> 2. to furnish (with), combine, unite, mix, apply J i.252 (suraŋ), 269 (id.); Mhvs 22, 4 (ambaŋ visena y. to poison a mango); 36, 71 (visaŋ phalesu poison the fruit). <-> 3. to prepare, provide, set in order, arrange, fix, fit up Mhvs 30, 39 (pāde upānāhi fitted the feet with slippers); dvāraŋ to put a door right, to fix it properly J i.201; iv. 245 (cp. yojāpeti). -- 4. to engage, incite, urge, commission, put up to, admonish Mhvs 17, 38 (manusse); 37, 9 (vihāraŋ nāsetuŋ y. incited to destroy the v.); PvA 69. -- 5. to construct, understand, interpret, take a meaning SnA 148 (yojetabba); PvA 98 (id.), 278 (id.). -- Caus. II. yojāpeti to cause some one to yoke etc.: D ii.95 (yānāni, to harness); J i.150 (dvāraŋ, to set right); Mhvs 35, 40 (rathe, to harness). -- Pass. yojīyatito become yoked or harnessed J i.57 (nangalasahassaŋ y.). -- pp. yojita.