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yuga : [nt.] a yoke; a pair; a couple; an age or generation.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Yuga (nt.) [fr. yuj; Vedic yuga (to which also yoga)= Gr. zugo/n; Lat. jugum=Goth. juk; Ohg. juh; E. yoke; Lith. jungas] 1. the yoke of a plough (usually) or a carriage DhA i.24 (yugaŋ gīvaŋ bādhati presses on the neck); PvA 127 (ratha˚); Sdhp 468 (of a carriage). Also at Sn 834 in phrase dhonena yugaŋ samāgamā which Bdhgh. (SnA 542) expls as "dhuta -- kilesena buddhena saddhiŋ yugaggāhaŋ samāpanno," i. e. having attained mastery together with the pure Buddha. Neumann, Sn trsln not exactly: "weil abgeschüttelt ist das Joch" (but dhona means "pure"). See also below ˚nangala. -- 2. (what is yoked or fits under one yoke) a pair, couple; appld to objects, as -- ˚: dussa˚ a pair of robes S v.71.; DhA iv.11; PvA 53; sāṭaka˚ id. J i.8, 9; PvA 46; vattha˚ id. J iv.172. -- tapassi˚ a pair of ascetics Vv 2210; dūta˚ a pair of messengers S iv.194; sāvaka˚ of disciples D ii.4; S i.155; ii.191; v.164; in general: purisa˚ (cattāri p. -- yugāni) (4) pairs of men S iv.272 sq.=It 88; in verse at Vv 4421 and 533; expld at Vism 219 as follows: yugaḷa -- vasena paṭhamamagga -- ṭṭho phala -- ṭṭho ti idam ekaŋ yugaḷan ti evaŋ cattāri purisa -- yugaḷāni honti. Practically the same as "aṭṭha purisa -- puggalā." Referring to "pairs of sins" (so the C.) in a somewhat doubtful passage at J i.374: sa mangala -- dosa -- vītivatto yuga -- yog' âdhigato na jātum eti; where C. expls yugā as kilesā mentioned in pairs (like kodho ca upanāho, or makkho ca paḷāso), and yoga as the 4 yojanas or yogas (oghas?), viz. kāma˚, bhava˚, diṭṭhi˚, avijjā˚. -- Also used like an adj. num. in meaning "two," e. g. yugaŋ vā nāvaŋ two boats Dpvs i.76. -- 3. (connected by descent) generation, an age D i.113 (yāva sattamā pitāmahā -- yugā "back through seven generations." Cp. DA i.281: āyuppamāṇa); KhA 141 (id.); J i.345 (purisa˚). There are also 5 ages (or stages) in the [life of the] sāsana (seeBrethren, p. 339): vimutti, samādhi, sīla, suta, dāna.
   -- anta ( -- vāta) (storm at) the end of an age (of men or the world), whirlwind J i.26. -- ādhāna putting the yoke on, harnessing M i.446. -- ggāha "holding the yoke," i. e. control, dominance, domineering, imperiousness; used as syn. for palāsa at Vbh 357=Pug 19 (so read for yuddha˚), expld by sama -- dhura -- ggahaṇaŋ "taking the leadership altogether" at VbhA 492. See further Nd1 177; VvA 71 (yugaggāha -- lakkhaṇo paḷāso); SnA 542; DhA iii.57 (˚kathā=sārambhakathā). -- ˚ŋ ganhāti to take the lead, to play the usurper or lord J iii.259 (C. for T. palāsin); DhA iii.346. -- ggāhin trying to outdo somebody else, domineering, imperious VvA 140. -- cchidda the hole of a yoke Th 2, 500 (in famous simile of blind turtle). -- nangala yoke and plough (so taken by Bdhgh. at SnA 135) Sn 77= S i.172 ("plough fitted with yoke" Mrs. Rh.D.). -- nandha (with v. l. ˚naddha, e. g. at Ps ii.92 sq.; KhA 27 in T.) putting a yoke on, yoking together; as adj. congruous, harmonious; as nt. congruity, association, common cause Ps ii.98=Vism 682; Ps ii.92 sq. (˚vagga & ˚kathā); KhA 27 (nt.); Vism 149 (˚dhammā things fitting under one yoke, integral parts, constituents). -- mattaŋ (adv.) "only the distance of a plough," i. e. only a little (viz. the most necessary) distance ahead, with expressions of sight: pekkhati Sn 410 ("no more than a fathom's length" Rh.D. in Early Buddhism32); pekkhin Miln 398; ˚dassāvin Vism 19 (okkhitta -- cakkhu+) pekkhamāna SnA 116 (as expln of okkhittacakkhu). -- sāṭaka (=s. -- yuga) a pair of robes, two robes Dpvs vi.82.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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