yuñjati : [yuj + ṃ - a] joins with; engages in; endeavours.
Yuñjati [Vedic yunakti, yuñjati & yuñkte, yuj; cp. Gr. zeu/gnumi, Lat, jungo to unite, put together (pp. junctus=Sk. yukta, cp. E. junct -- ion); Lith. jùngin. The Idg. root *i̯eug is an enlarged form of *i̯eṷe "to unite," as in Sk. yanti, yuvati, pp. yuta; f. yuti, to which also Lat. jūs=P. yūsa. The Dhtp gives several (lit. & fig.) meanings of yuj, viz. "yoge" (No. 378), "samādhimhi" (399), "saŋgamane" (550)] (lit.) to yoke; (fig.) to join with (instr. or loc.), to engage in (loc.), to exert oneself, to endeavour. All our passages show the applied meaning, while the lit. meaning is only found in the Caus. yojeti. -- Often expld by and coupled with the syn. ghaṭati & vāyamati, e.g. at J iv.131; v.369; DhA iv.137. -- Forms: pres. yuñjati Dh 382; J v.369; 2nd pl. yuñjatha Th 2, 346 (kāmesu;=niyojetha ThA 241); ppr. yuñjanto J iv.131 (kammaṭṭhāne); imper. yuñja S i.52 (sāsane); ThA 12; med. imper. yuñjassu Th 2, 5. -- Pass. yujjati(in grammar or logic) is constructed or applied, fits (in), is meant KhA 168; SnA 148, 403, 456. -- Caus. I. yojeti & II. yojāpeti (q.v.). -- pp. yutta.