yutti : [f.] justice; fitness.
Yutti [cp. Vedic yukti connection, fr. yuj] "fitting," i. e. 1. application, use Miln 3 (opamma˚). -- 2. fitness, vāda˚, KVA 37; in instr. yuttiyā in accordance with Mhvs 10, 66 (vacana˚); Sdhp 340 (sutti˚); and abl. yuttito Sdhp 505. -- 3. (logical) fitness, right construction, correctness of meaning; one of the 16 categories (hārā), appld to the exposition of texts, enumd in the 1st section of the Netti; e. g. at Nett 1 -- 3, 103; KhA 18; SnA 551, 552. Thus abl. yuttito by way of correctness or fitness (contrasted to suttato) VbhA 173=Vism 562; and yutti -- vasena by means of correctness (of meaning) SnA 103 (contrasted toanussava). -- 4. trick, device, practice J vi.215.
-- kata combined with; (nt.) union, alloy VvA 13.