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Dictionary Definition :

appamāda: 'zeal', non-laxity, earnestness, diligence, is considered as the foundation of all progress.

 Just as all the footprints of living beings are surpassed by the footprint of the elephant, and the footprint of the elephant is considered as the mightiest amongst them, just so have all the meritorious qualities zeal as their foundation, and zeal is considered as the mightiest of these qualities'' (A. X, 15).

Cf. the Chapter on Zeal (Appamāda Vagga) in Dhp., and the Buddha's last exhortation: "Transient are all formations. Strive zealously!" (appamādena sampādetha: D. 16) - In the commentaries, it is often explained as the presence (lit. 'non-absence') of mindfulness (satiyā avippavāsa).

Buddhist Dictionary, Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA

zeal : (m.) ussāha; ātappa. (nt.) viriya.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

don du gnyer ba

[translation-san] {C} prārthayati

[translation-san] {MSA} prārthanā

[translation-san] {MSA} arthikatva

[translation-san] {C} arthikatā

[translation-san] {MSA} arthitva

[translation-san] {MSA} arthin

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} seek; strive to produce

[translation-eng] {C} intent; seeking; strive after; aspire for; desire; zeal

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'dun pa

[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,MV,C} chanda

[translation-san] {C} chandas (=kartu-kāmatā)

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} aspiration

[translation-eng] {C} desire-to-do; will-power; impetus; zeal; zest

[comments] one of the five determining factors (yul nges lnga, pañca-viṣaya-pratiniyama); for others see: yul nges

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

'dod pa

[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L} kāma

[translation-san] {C} spṛhatā

[translation-san] {C} spṛhayate (=spṛhet)

[translation-san] {C,MSA} spṛhā

[translation-san] {C} chandikatā

[translation-san] {C,N} icchā

[translation-san] {C} icchati

[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} iṣṭa

[translation-san] {C,N} iṣyate

[translation-san] {MSA} eṣitā

[translation-san] {MSA} eṣin

[translation-san] {N} abhyupagama

[translation-san] {ā √kāṅkṣ} : {MSA}ākāṅkṣati

[translation-san] {MSA} ākāṅkṣaṇa

[translation-san] {C} ākāṅkṣamāna

[translation-san] {C} arthika

[translation-san] {MV} arthitva

[translation-san] {MSA} prārthita

[translation-san] {C,N} abhimata

[translation-san] {C} abhiprāya

[translation-san] {MSA} abhipreta

[translation-san] {MV,MSA,N} abhilāṣa

[translation-san] {MV} ruci

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} desire; wish; assert; assertions; accept; desire; consider

[translation-eng] {C} longing; long for; aspire to be; zeal; zealous; zest; temptation; wish for; look for; seek; considered; desired; is considered/regarded; can be desired; just as he plans; desirous; until he wishes; profitable; admitted; intent; intention; purpose; attempt (to hurt)

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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