Triyāna, the three vehicles, or conveyances which carry living beings across samsāra or mortality (births-and-deaths) to the shores of nirvāṇa. The three are styled 小,中, and 大. Sometimes the three vehicles are defined as 聲聞 Śrāvaka, that of the hearer or obedient disciple; 緣覺Pratyeka-buddha, that of the enlightened for self; these are described as 小乘 because the objective of both is personal salvation; the third is 菩薩Bodhisattva, or 大乘 Mahāyāna, because the objective is the salvation of all the living. The three are also depicted as 三車 three wains, drawn by a goat, a deer, an ox. The Lotus declares that the three are really the One Buddha-vehicle, which has been revealed in three expedient forms suited to his disciples' capacity, the Lotus Sūtra being the unifying, complete, and final exposition. The Three Vehicles are differently explained by different exponents, e.g. (1) Mahāyāna recognizes (a) Śrāvaka, called Hīnayāna, leading in longer or shorter periods to arhatship; (b) Pratyeka-buddha, called Madhyamayāna, leading after still longer or shorter periods to a Buddhahood ascetically attained and for self; (c) Bodhisattva, called Mahayana, leading after countless ages of self-sacrifce in saving others and progressive enlightenment to ultimate Buddhahood. (2) Hīnayāna is also described as possessing three vehicles 聲, 緣, 菩 or 小, 中, 大, the 小 and 中 conveying to personal salvation their devotees in ascetic dust and ashes and mental annihilation, the 大 leading to bodhi, or perfect enlightenment, and the Buddha's way. Further definitions of the Triyāna are: (3) True bodhisattva teaching for the 大; pratyeka-buddha without ignorant asceticism for the 中; and śrāvaka with ignorant asceticism for the 小. (4) (a) 一乘 The One-Vehicle which carries all to Buddhahood: of this the 華嚴 Hua-yen and 法華 Fa-hua are typical exponents; (b) 三乘法 the three-vehicle, containing practitioners of all three systems, as expounded in books of the 深密般若; (c) 小乘 the Hīnayāna pure and simple as seen in the 四阿合經 Four Āgamas. Śrāvakas are also described as hearers of the Four Truths and limited to that degree of development; they hear from the pratyeka-buddhas, who are enlightened in the Twelve Nidānas 因緣; the bodhisattvas make the 六度 or six forms of transmigration their field of sacrificial saving work, and of enlightenment. The Lotus Sūtra really treats the 三乘. Three Vehicles as 方便 or expedient ways, and offers a 佛乘 Buddha Vehicle as the inclusive and final vehicle.
梵語 trīni yānāni。即三種交通工具,比喻運載眾生渡越生死到涅槃彼岸之三種法門。(一)就眾生根機之鈍、中、利,佛應之而說聲聞乘、緣覺乘、菩薩乘等三種教法。(一)聲聞乘(梵 śrāvaka-yāna),聞佛聲教而得悟道,故稱聲聞。其知苦斷集、慕滅修道,以此四諦為乘。(二)緣覺乘(梵 pratyeka-buddha-yāna),又作辟支佛乘、獨覺乘。觀十二因緣覺真諦理,故稱緣覺。始觀無明乃至老死,次觀無明滅乃至老死滅,由此因緣生滅,即悟非生非滅,乃以此十二因緣為乘。(三)菩薩乘(梵 bodhisattva-yāna),又作大乘(梵 mahā-yāna)、佛乘、如來乘。求無上菩提,願度一切眾生,修六度萬行,以此六度為乘。
三乘 [py] sānshèng [wg] san-sheng [ko] 삼승 samsŭng [ja] サンジョウ sanjō ||| The "three vehicles" taught by the Mahayana 大乘 schools, which are three programs of practice that are considered to be suitable for different capacities of sentient beings (tri-yāna). These are the vehicles of śrāvaka 聲聞, pratyekabuddha 縁覺 and bodhisattva 菩薩. The first two of these are categorized by the Mahayana schools as lesser vehicles or "hīnayāna 小乘" and are referred to as the "two vehicles 二乘." Mahayana texts such as the Śrīmālā-sūtra 勝鬘經 and the Lotus Sutra 法華經 offer extensive analysis of the relative capacities of these three, with the Lotus Sutra asserting that all three vehicles are eventually subsumed by the single vehicle 一乘.
(術語)乘人而使各到其果地之教法,名為乘。有一乘乃至五乘之別,其中三乘有四種:(一)大乘之三乘也。一聲聞乘,又云小乘。速則三生,遲則六十劫間修空法,終於現世聞如來之聲教。而悟四諦之理,以證阿羅漢者。二緣覺乘,又云中乘,辟支佛乘。速則四生,遲則百劫間修空法,於其最後之生不依如來之聲教,感飛花落葉之外緣,而自覺十二因緣之理,以證辟支佛果者。三大乘,又云菩薩乘,三無數劫間修六度之行,更於百劫間植三十二相福因,以證無上菩提者。或以羊鹿牛三車譬之,或以象馬兔三獸比之。是為大乘之三乘,故不攝不愚法之二乘(二乘有愚法不愚法二種,【參見: 二乘】)。法華經譬喻品曰:「若有眾生,內有智性,從佛世尊聞法信受,慇懃精進,欲速出三界,自求涅槃,是名聲聞乘。(中略)若有眾生,從佛世尊聞法信受,慇懃精進,求自然慧,獨樂善寂,深知諸法因緣,是名辟支佛乘。(中略)若有眾生,從佛世尊,聞法信受,勤修精進,求一切智、佛智、自然智、無師智、如來知見、力、無所畏,愍念安樂,無量眾生,利益天人,度脫一切,是名大乘。」(二)小乘之聲緣菩三乘也。又稱小中大,皆灰身滅智,故此中之聲緣,即是愚法。四教儀註上曰:「三乘,乘以運載為義,聲聞以四諦為乘,緣覺以十二因緣為乘,菩薩以六度為乘,運出三界歸於涅槃。」五教章上二曰:「大乘中乘小乘為三乘。(中略)如小論中自有聲聞緣覺法及佛法。」(三)大小合論之聲緣菩三乘也,又云小中大。此中之菩薩乘攝一乘,聲緣二乘,攝愚法不愚法之二類。五教章上二曰:「融一乘同大乘合愚法同小乘唯三也。」(四)一、一乘。如華嚴法華明一切皆成佛者。二、三乘法,如深密般若別立三乘之得道者。三、小乘,執於四阿含等之所明而不信一切大乘之教理者。見五教章上。是由大小合論之三乘中菩薩乘聞一乘,由其二乘別開愚法之一類也。密教以第一類之三乘為法佛內證之三密。聲聞依聲教而悟道,故配之於語密,緣覺只心觀十二因緣而悟道,故配之於意密,菩薩以大悲利他之故,捨身於娑婆界,而廣修六度萬行,故配之於身密。菩薩之行,通於三業,而於身業最重,故且為身密。三業之中,身兼意口,三乘之中菩薩之行廣兼三業,故寄於總德而配之於身密。然而法華經以三乘為方便,一佛乘為真實。會三乘而歸於一乘也。然密教之見,以為三乘即法佛內證之三密。故三乘之行不動,直以為秘密佛乘之體也。故大日經疏三,釋經之通達三乘文曰:「真言門乘三密印至佛三平等地,名為通達三乘。」詳見秘藏記鈔七。
tri-yāna, yāna-traya, tri-yānika, trīṇi yānāni, trividhaṃ yānam, tri-gotra
三乘(sān chéng) 三乘(sān shèng) ;
三乘 (sān shèng) ( “the three Vehicles, the three kinds of teachings” )
{《漢語大詞典》1.222a(魏書)} ; {《大漢和辞典》1.151a(法華經)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {72b23} 吾等爲佛 履上跡時 分爲三乘 而開化之(v)
{K.56.1} (padaṃ) tṛdhā
{O} tṛvidhaṃ
Kumārajīva: {L.9c24} 三乘
Dharmarakṣa: {85a23} 本無三乘,縁行致之(p)
{K.132.3} tri~ yāna~
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.20b24}
《添品妙華蓮華經》Taishō, Vol. 9, No. 264, {Ten.153b7} 三乘
Dharmarakṣa: {85a24} 迦葉白佛:“設無三乘,何故得有菩薩、縁覺、聲聞?” (p)
{K.132.5} do.
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.20b24}
《添品妙華蓮華經》Taishō, Vol. 9, No. 264, {Ten.153b8} 三乘
Dharmarakṣa: {85c5} 世尊………便見三乘(p)
{K.136.8} do.
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.20b24}
《添品妙華蓮華經》Taishō, Vol. 9, No. 264, {Ten.154a17} 三乘
Dharmarakṣa: {92b18} 爾乃解知如來之法有一滅度,無有二乘也。皆是如來善權方便説三乘耳(p)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.25c19}
Dharmarakṣa: {92c13} 如來……覩見生死、長久艱難、虛乏之患,現于三乘,禪定一心,使得滅度(p)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.26a15}
Dharmarakṣa: {103a16} 宣暢《法華經》 以示諸不及 解本無三乘 順一無上眞(v)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.32c18}