中邊分別論 The Zhongbian fenbie lun; abbreviated as Zhongbian lun 中邊論 and also known as the Bian zhongbian lun 辯中邊論: the Madhyānta-vibhāga (Analysis of the Middle and the Extremes). A seminal Yogācāra text that is traditionally said to be a writing of Maitreya 彌勒 with Vasubandhu's commentary, but is considered by scholars to more likely be the joint effort of Asaṅga 無著 and Vasubandhu 世親. The special focus of this text is on the Yogācāra articulation of the meaning of mistaken discrimination 虚妄分別 vs. the meaning of emptiness of inherent nature 空性, with the aim of breaking attachment to extreme notions of emptiness 有 and existence 無. There are two Chinese translations: (1) Three fascicle translation by Xuanzang (T 1600.31.464-477). (2) Two fascicle translation by Paramārtha 眞諦 (T 1599.31.451a-463)
梵名 Madhyānta-vibhāga-tīkā。凡二卷。收於大正藏第三十一冊。本論偈頌部分係彌勒(梵 Maitreya,四世紀後半)所作;長行(散文)部分則為世親(梵 Vasubandhu,五世紀)所著。南朝陳武帝永定二年(558)真諦(梵 Paramārtha,546~569 年在中國)譯出,與玄奘譯之「辯中邊論」(三卷,亦收於大正藏第三十一冊)為同本異譯。