二十二種愚癡 The twenty-two kinds of folly that are eliminated two at a time during the eleven bodhisattva stages 十一地. In addition to each of these pairs a the course and heavy hindrances 麁重 attached to them. (1) attachment to self and dharmas 執著補特伽羅及法愚癡 and the defilement of evil destinies 惡趣雜染愚癡; (2) subtle errors and crimes 微細誤犯愚癡 and various karmic destinies 種種業趣愚癡; (3) desire and craving 欲貪愚癡 and perfect reception and retention 圓滿聞持陀羅尼愚癡; (4) attachment to samāpatti 等至愛愚癡 and attachment to the teaching 法愛愚癡; (5) the one-pointed intention to avoid saṃsāra 一向作意棄背生死愚癡 and the one pointed intention to attain nirvana; 一向作意趣向涅槃愚癡; (6) directly observing all the courses of transmigration 者現前觀察諸行流轉愚癡 and the marks of many actively manifestation defilements 相多現行愚癡; (7) subtle marks of actively manifest defilements and 微細相現行愚癡 and one-pointed markless intention toward expedient means 一向無相作意方便愚癡; (8) the creation of efficacious activity in marklessness 於無相作功用愚癡 and to be unimpeded in marklessness 於相自在愚癡; (9) to be unimpeded in countless explanations of the dharma, words and phrases and explaining the dharma with a posteriori wisdom 於無量説法 無量法句文字 後後慧辯陀羅尼自在愚癡 and be unimpeded in elocution 辯才自在愚癡; (10) great supernatural ability 大神通愚癡 and enlightenment that enters various subtle and esoteric doctrines 悟入微細祕密愚癡; (11) extremely subtle attachment to all known realms 於一切所知境界極微細著愚癡 and extremely subtle obstructions.〔瑜伽論 T 1579.30.730a9〕