The five wheels, or things that turn: I. The 五體 or five members, i. e. the knees, the elbows, and the head; when all are placed on the ground it implies the utmost respect. II. The five foundations of the world. first and lowest the wheel or circle of space; above are those of wind; of water; the diamond, or earth; on these rest the nine concentric circles and eight seas. III. The esoteric sect uses the term for the 五大 five elements, earth, water, fire, wind, and space; also for the 五解脫輪 q. v. IV. The five fingers (of a Buddha).
1. 五體的別名,人的兩肘兩膝和頭部等五處都作圓形,所以叫做輪,這五輪著地作禮,叫做五體投地,是表示最尊敬的意思。2.世界是建立在五輪之上,依俱舍論等 的說法,世界之最下層為虛空輪,其上為風輪、水輪、金輪、地輪,再上便是九山八海。3.密教通稱地水火風空五大為五輪。
(術語)五體之異名。兩臂兩膝及頭之五處,皆圓,故云五輪。此五輪著地作禮,為禮之至極。【參見: 五體】。【又】世界之成立為五輪。依俱舍等之說則最下為虛空輪,其上為風輪,其上為水輪,其上為金剛輪(即金剛際,地輪也),此上載九山八海。即於五大中除火大之一,而為四輪所成。輪者以此四層各為周圓之形故也。【又】密教之通稱,地水火風空之五大為五輪。此五大,法性之德具足圓滿,故云輪。世界為此五輪所成。大日經疏十四曰:「一切世界皆是五輪之所依持,世界成時,先從空中而起風,風上起火,火上起水,水上起地,即是曼荼羅安立次第。」【參見: 五大】。【又】金剛界之五解脫輪也。【又】佛之五指也。楞嚴經一曰:「我實觀五輪指端。」