A title of the esoteric sect for their form of Buddha, or Buddhas, especially of Vairocana of the Vajradhātu and Śākyamuni of the Garbhadhātu groups. Also, an abbreviation of a dhāranī as is | | | 經 of a sutra, and there are other | | | scriptures.
Śākyamuni in the third court of the Garbhadhātu is represented as the佛頂尊 in meditation as Universal Wise Sovereign. The 五佛頂q.v. Five Buddhas are on his left representing his Wisdom. The three 佛頂 on his right are called 廣大佛頂, 極廣大佛頂, and 無邊音聲佛頂; in all they are the eight 佛頂.
梵語 buddhośnīsa,或 usnīsa(音譯作嗢瑟尼沙、烏瑟尼沙、鬱瑟尼沙)。意譯髻、頂髻、肉髻相、無見頂相。為佛三十二相之一。佛之頂骨,自然隆起,呈一髻形,故有肉髻之稱。佛之頂相乃常人所無法見到之殊勝相,表示此種功德之佛像,即稱佛頂尊。在密教,佛頂尊依其表示內容,可分三佛頂(表如來胎藏界三部之德)、五佛頂(表如來之五智)、八佛頂(三佛頂與五佛頂之合稱)、九佛頂、十佛頂等。〔大日經卷一具緣品、一字奇特佛頂經卷上曼荼羅儀軌品、大日經疏卷十、慧琳音義卷四〕(參閱「諸佛頂」6301)
uṣṇīṣa, uṣṇiṣa, uṣṇi