依 (1) A foundation, a ground, a basis (saraya, sama-, samupa-, samyoga, niśraya, niśrita, niśritya).
(2) A cause of something coming into being.
(3) Ultimate ground, dwelling place.
(4) A ground for attachment. Elements that compose existence. A basic factor (in the composition of past and future transmigratory existence). Affliction, defilement, attachment. Since defilement is the basic condition (依) for the unfolding of the realm (依) of suffering, there are two levels of meaning of the term (upādhi).
(5) Control, rule, guidance. That which exists for the purpose of control (adhisthāna).
(6) Dependence, reliance (anusārin, apekṣana, apekṣa).
(7) In Saṃkya philosophy, that which exists in dependence upon something else (āśrita).
(8) To conform to the authority of (a text, an explanation, etc.) (āśraya).
(9) That which is relied upon.
(10) Arise from, be based upon, to be predicated on, to originate in.
(11) To be located (in, on, at) (upādāya, pratisarana).
To depend, rely on; dependent, conditioned; accord with.
梵語 sajniśraya。為依止、依憑之意。有能依、所依之別,二者係相對而立者。依賴、依憑者,稱為能依;被依賴、依憑者,稱為所依。如地與草之關係,地為所依,草為能依。對所依者而言,有直接力量者(親所依),稱為所依;反之,力量微弱而間接者(疏所依),稱為依。
瑜伽十一卷十四頁云:於出離時,正可憑仗;故名為依。##二解 瑜伽八十三卷十八頁云:依者:謂五取蘊及與七種所攝受事。即是父母及妻子等。##三解 雜集論十一卷十一頁云:依者:謂轉依。捨離一切麤重,得清淨轉依故。