八句義 [py] bājùyì [wg] pa-kou-i [ko] 발구의 p'alguŭi [ja] ハチクギ hachikugi ||| The 'eight phrases' which express the Chan tradition's self-described fundamental characteristics, which are related to direct perception of reality, rather than academic study: (1) zhengfayancang 正法眼藏 - Treasury of the eye of the true dharma. (2) niepanmiaoxin 涅槃妙心 - The subtle mind of nirvāna. (3) shixiangWuxiang 實相無相 - True marks are no marks. (4) weimiaofamen 微妙法門 - The extremely subtle dharma-gate. (5) buliwenzi 不立文字 - No establishment of words and letters. (6) jiaowaibiechuan 教外別傳 - The distinct transmission outside of the teachings. (7) zhizhirenxin 直指人心 - Directly pointing to the mind of man. (8) jianxingchengfo 見性成佛 - Seeing the nature is the attainment of Buddhahood.
aṣṭau padārthāḥ.