The six gunas, qualities produced by the objects and organs of sense, i. e. sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and idea; the organs are the 六根, 六入, 六處, and the perceptions or discernments the 六識; cf. 六境. Dust 塵 is dirt, and these six qualities are therefore the cause of all impurity. Yet 六塵說法 the Buddha made use of them to preach his law.
塵,即染污之義。謂能染污情識,而使真性不能顯發,涅槃經中稱此六塵,名六大賊,以能劫奪一切善法故也。 〔一、色塵〕,謂青黃赤白之色,及男女形貌色等,是名色塵。 〔二、聲塵〕,謂絲竹環佩之聲,及男女歌詠聲等,是名聲塵。 〔三、香塵〕,謂旃檀沉水飲食之香,及男女身分所有香等,是名香塵。 〔四、味塵〕,謂種種飲食肴膳美味等,是名味塵。 〔五、觸塵〕,觸,即著也。謂男女身分柔軟細滑,及紗衣上服等,是名觸塵。 〔六、法塵〕,謂意根對前五塵分別好醜,而起善惡諸法,是名法塵。
Six Dusts 六塵 【參照: Six Gunas】
Six Gunas 六塵 or Six External Bases, or Six Dusts. They are sight, sound, scentśmell, taste, tangibles/touch and dharma/idea. They are the qualities produced by the objects and organs of sense.
ṣaḍ-viṣaya, ṣaṇṇāṃ viṣayāṇām, ṣaḍ-bāhyāyatana*.