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因由 (yīn yóu)  ( “is owing to, due to, because of” )

{《漢語大詞典》3.604a(唐代)} ; {《大漢和辞典》3.58b(清代)} ;

Dharmarakṣa: {65b27} 今日安住 何所 因 由 奮大光明 而從口出?(v)

{K.15.13} kim artham

Kumārajīva: {L.3c4} 何故

Dharmarakṣa: {104b9} 因由依附 諸佛之道 在無央數 諸佛世界 取(v.l. 聚)合衆生 來至於斯 修治嚴淨 神足之力(v)

{K.251.7} (niṣīdana-)arthaṃ

Kumārajīva: {L.33c25} 爲(坐諸佛)

Dharmarakṣa: {109c10} 因由諸虛,致斯世間如處色像一切因縁(p)


Kumārajīva: {not found at L.39a13} 

A Digital Edition of A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa translation of the Lotus Sutra by Seishi Karashima, 1998
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