大意 The drift of, the scope of, outline.
The general meaning or summary of a sutra or śāstra. Also, the name of a youth, a former incarnation of the Buddha : to save his nation from their poverty, he plunged into the sea to obtain a valuable pearl from the sea-god who, alarmed by the aid rendered by Indra, gave up the pearl ; v. 大意經.
(術語)講經論。初大意,次題號,次入文解釋,分三段為例。大意者,論一部始終之綱要也。止觀一曰:「大意囊括始終冠戴初後。」說法明眼論曰:「若供養經律論等,必應有大意釋名科文三段。」同鈔上曰:「大意者,未入文前懸談教起因由一部綱要,釋名者次解名題也。科文者正入正文分三分科等。」【又】(人名)【參見: 大意經】。
大意 (dà yì) (1) “a great intention (for enlightenment)” Cf. 大道意(dà dào yì) ;
{《漢語大詞典》2.1385b(三國志)} ; {《大漢和辞典》3.369b(三國志)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {69b15} 假令見聞 安住言教 尋當歡喜 興發大意(v)
{∈K.38.7} (harṣaṃ) paramaṃ (janetu)
{O} (harṣa janayāmi) ’grām
Kumārajīva: {L.7a4} (生)大(歡喜)
Dharmarakṣa: {80a19} 如來勸發,多所率化。……… 爾乃誨我以奇特誼,樂於等一,則發大意於無上正眞道(p)
{K.101.5} -citta~
Kumārajīva: {L.16b20} 心
Dharmarakṣa: {85c7} 不發大意,謂生盲也(p)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.20b24}
《添品妙華蓮華經》Taishō, Vol. 9, No. 264, {not found at Ten.154a20}
Dharmarakṣa: {95a18} 聞菩薩道,而發大意,得無從生(p)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.27b23}
Dharmarakṣa: {105c22} 所説未竟,尋有蓮華,從海踊出,在虛空中。無數菩薩皆坐其上。此皆溥首在海之所化。悉發大意(p)
{K.261.15} anuttara~ samyaksaṃbodhi~
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.35b3}
大意 (dà yì) (2) “a Big-Mind(-flower)” (a translation of skt. mahā-māndārava) Cf. 大意華(dà yì huā), 意華(yì huā), ; {not found at 《漢語大詞典》2.1385.} ; {not found at 《大漢和辞典》3.369.} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {64a11} 天雨衆華 紛紛如降 意華、大意 柔軟音華(v)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.2c10}
mahā-mati, uttara-mati*.