Dictionary Definition :
大方等經(dà fāng děng jīng) “the great well-balanced scripture”(a translation of skt. [mahā]vaitulyasūtra) Cf. 方等(fāng děng), 方等經(fāng děng jīng) ;
{not found at 《漢語大詞典》2.1329.} ; {not found at 《大漢和辞典》3.462.} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {93c4} 大聖…… 顯揚宣布 斯《正法華》 普而(←雨Cf. Krsh.120)講説 大方等經(v)
{≠ K.193.7} vaipulyasūtra~
cf. Krsh.120
Kumārajīva: {L.26c10} 經
A Digital Edition of A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa translation of the Lotus Sutra by Seishi Karashima, 1998