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大聖尊 (dà shèng zūn)  ( “a great sage, i.e. a buddha” ) Cf. 聖尊(shèng zūn) ;

{not found at 《漢語大詞典》2.1381.} ; {not found at 《大漢和辞典》3.459.} ;

Dharmarakṣa: {67b22} 此等…… 至心供養 諸大聖尊(v)

{K.27.1} maharṣi~

Kumārajīva: {L.5a29} 佛

Dharmarakṣa: {71b11} 若復以銅 刻鏤碧玉 爲大聖尊 立殊特(v.l. 勝)形…… 成得佛道(v)

{K.51.1} sugata~

Kumārajīva: {L.9a1} do. 

A Digital Edition of A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa translation of the Lotus Sutra by Seishi Karashima, 1998
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