如來藏 (tathāgatagarbha). The 'womb of the tathāgata'。
tathāgata-garbha, the Tathāgata womb or store, defined as (1) the 眞如 zhenru, q. v. in the midst of 煩惱 the delusion of passions and desires; (2) sutras of the Buddha's uttering. The first especially refers to the zhenru as the source of all things: whether compatibles or incompatibles, whether forces of purity or impurity, good or bad, all created things are in the Tathāgatagarbha, which is the womb that gives birth to them all. The second is the storehouse of the Buddha's teaching.
【藏】de bshin gshegs pa'i snying po
tathāgata-garbha; jina-garbha, jina-dhātu, tathāgata-kośa, tathāgata-dhātu, dhātu, buddha-garbha, saṃbuddha-garbha, sugatātmabhāva.