Dictionary Definition :
Kauśāmbī, (Pali) Kosambi, Vatsa-pattana. Also written 倶睒彌 (or 倶賞彌, or 倶舍彌); 拘睒彌 (or 拘剡彌) ; 拘鹽; 拘深; 拘羅瞿; 拘翼; 憍賞 (or 憍閃) 彌. The country of King Udayana in 'Central India', described as 6, 000 li in circuit, soil rich, with a famous capital, in which the 西域記 5 says there was a great image of the Buddha. Eitel says: It was 'one of the most ancient cities of India, identified by some with Kasia near Kurrah (Lat. 25 ° 41 N., Long. 81 ° 27 E. ), by others with the village of Kosam on the Jumna 30 miles above Aulahabad'. It is identified with Kosam.
A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous
===(地名)Kaus/a%mbi,巴Kosambi,國名。【參見: 俱睒彌】