Dictionary Definition :
新發意 (xīn fā yì) ( “those, who have but newly awakened the mind (for enlightenment)” ) Cf. 新學發意(xīn xué fā yì), 新學乘者(xīn xué shèng zhě), 新學菩薩(xīn xué pú sà) ;
{not found at 《漢語大詞典》6.1076.} ; {《大漢和辞典》5.645b(法華經)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {92a13} 其志聲聞、縁覺乘、已得聲聞、縁覺之路,若行菩薩及成就者、其新發意皆當付此(p)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.25b16}
Dharmarakṣa: {98b9} 爾時,新發意八萬菩薩各自念言:“怪未曾聞,古來未有。……”(p)
{K.218.5} nava-yāna-saṃprasthita~
Kumārajīva: {L.29c28} 新發意
A Digital Edition of A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa translation of the Lotus Sutra by Seishi Karashima, 1998