方 (1) To make even. (2) To compare. (3) Square. Right, correct. (4) Direction; the four cardinal directions. (5) A place, a location. (6) A method, a way, a principle. A technique; a formula. (7) There; in that place; at that time. In that. Now. [Buddhism] (1) One of the twenty-four elemental constructs 百法 not concomitant with mind in the theory of the Consciousness-only 唯識 school. (2) The ten directions of north, south, east and west, plus the four intermediate directions, as well as the zenith and nadir. Since material existence occupies space, these directions are provisionally established on their mutual relationship. (3) An expedient method; a means of remedying the desire and ignorance possessed by sentient beings. (4) In the preface to his commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經説誼, Kihwa 己和 defines 方 as the self-corrective practices to engaged in by the religious aspirant. After sufficient self-achievement 自利, one may then engage in the work of spreading the dharma to others, a concept represented by the ideograph 廣.
Square; place; correct; a means, plan, prescription; then, now, just.
梵語 diś。乃唯識宗二十四不相應行法之一。即指方位、空間。色法(物質的存在)與色法相對而生存在空間之分位關係,計有東、西、南、北、四維(四隅)、上、下等十方。〔大乘阿毘達磨雜集論卷二、顯揚聖教論卷一、瑜伽師地論卷三〕
二解 顯揚一卷十五頁云:方者:謂諸色行,遍分齊性。
三解 雜集論二卷四頁云:方者:謂即於東西南北四維上下因果差別,假立為方。何以故?即於十方因果遍滿,假說方故。當知此中,唯說色法所攝因果。無色之法,遍佈處所,無功能故。
四解 成業論二頁云:即於和合諸聚色中,見四面等,便起方覺。