方等 (1) Broadly put forth; universally (vaipulya). (2) Mahāyāna; (3) Universal equality.
vaipulya; cf. 方廣. 方 is interpreted as referring to the doctrine, 等 as equal, or universal, i. e. everywhere equally. An attempt is made to distinguish between the two above terms, 方廣 being now used for vaipulya, but they are interchangeable. Eitel says the vaipulya sutras 'are distinguished by an expansion of doctrine and style (Sūtras developées, Burnouf). They are apparently of later date, showing the influence of different schools; their style is diffuse and prolix, repeating the same idea over and over again in prose and in verse; they are also frequently interlarded with prophecies and dhāranīs'; but the two terms seem to refer rather to the content than the form. The content is that of universalism. Chinese Buddhists assert that all the sutras from the 華嚴 Huayan onwards are of this class and therefore are Mahāyāna. Consequently all 方等 or 方廣 sutras are claimed by that school. Cf. 方便.
梵語 vaipulya,巴利語 vedalla 。音譯作毘佛略、毘富羅、鞞佛略、斐肥儸、為頭離。譯為方廣、廣破、廣大、廣博、廣解、廣、無比等。又作大方廣、大方等。九部經之一,十二部經之一。指大乘經典。即廣說廣大甚深之義者。於大乘佛教中,主要作為指大乘經典之用語,後世之小乘三藏(佛教聖典)中並未說及方等;故方等不僅意味其量之廣大,主要乃指在內容上說廣大平等之理趣者。大乘經典之名稱冠以大方等、大方廣等語者,係為與九部經、十二部經之一的方等加以區別。以方等意謂大乘經典,故大乘經典亦稱大乘方等經典。此外,方廣道人之「方廣」,亦為大乘之義。〔北本大般涅槃經卷五、卷十五、大毘婆沙論卷一二六、順正理論卷四十四、大智度論卷三十三、華嚴經疏卷二十四、大乘義章卷一〕(參閱「毘佛略」3849)
方等 (fāng děng) “a well-balanced (scripture)”(a translation of skt. [mahā]vaitulya[sūtra], a general term for the Mahāyāna teachings) Cf. 大方等經(dà fāng děng jīng), 方等經(fāng děng jīng), 方等頌經(fāng děng sòng jīng) ;
{《漢語大詞典》6.1567b(百喩經)} ; {《大漢和辞典》5.668a(觀無量壽經)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {63b25} 世尊……講演菩薩方等大頌、一切諸佛嚴淨之業(p)
{≠ K.5.8} mahāvaipulya~(= O etc.)
{∈R2(No.40)} mahāvaitulya~
cf. Krsh.29
Kumārajīva: {L.2b8} 大乘經
Dharmarakṣa: {66a18} 時日月燈明勸發菩薩護諸佛法,而爲衆會講演大頌、方等正經(p)
{≠ K.19.12} mahāvaipulya~
{∈O} mahāvaitulya~
Kumārajīva: {L.4a9} do.
Dharmarakṣa: {66b3} 佛三昧正受。從三昧起,爲超光菩薩講《正法華》方等之業(p)
{∈O} mahāvaitulya~
Kumārajīva: {L.4a24} 大乘經
Dharmarakṣa: {66b7} 日月燈明六十劫中,爲諸菩薩講演《法華方等正經(v.l. 經典)》(p)
{K.21.6} mahāvaipulya~
{∈O} mahāvaitulya~
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.4a29}
Dharmarakṣa: {79c9} 志習奉受 方等諸經(v)
{≠ K.98.3} vaipulya-
{∈O} vaitulya-
{H6(301)} vaitulya-
cf. Krsh.80
Kumārajīva: {L.16a21} 大乘
Dharmarakṣa: {81a19} 然後乃説方等大法(p)
Kumārajīva: {L.17c6} 大乘
Dharmarakṣa: {91c24} 《正法華方等經典》(p)
{≠ K.181.6} mahāvaipulya~
{∈O} mahāvaitulya~
cf. Krsh.114
Kumārajīva: {L.25a28} 大乘經
Dharmarakṣa: {124b3} 能仁如來……講《正法華經》方等典詔(p)
{K.389.8} mahāvaipulya~ (= O)
Kumārajīva: {L.52a5} do.