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有餘涅槃, 有餘依, 有餘依涅槃
Dictionary Definition :

Incomplete nirvāna. Hīnayāna holds that the arhat after his last term of mortal existence enters into nirvāna, while alive here he is in the state of sopādhiśesa-nirvāna, limited, or modified, nirvāna, as contrasted with 無餘涅槃 nirupadhiśesa-nirvāna. Mahāyāna holds that when the cause 因 of reincarnation is ended the state is that of 有餘涅槃 incomplete nirvāna; when the effect 果 is ended, and 得佛之常身 the eternal Buddha-body has been obtained, then there is 無餘涅槃 complete nirvāna. Mahāyāna writers say that in the Hīnayāna 無餘涅槃 'remainderless' nirvāna for the arhat there are still remains of illusion, karma, and suffering, and it is therefore 有餘涅槃; in Mahāyāna 無餘涅槃 these remains of illusion, etc., are ended.

A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous


陳義孝編, 竺摩法師鑑定, 《佛學常見辭彙》
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