法性宗 Dharma-nature school. A name loosely applied after the fact to a system of study in Korea which revolved around issues of tathāgatagarbha 如來藏 and ālayavijñāna 阿頼耶識, but which approached issues from the perspective of "nature arising" rather than arising based on characteristics. Thus, a form of study established in contrast to that of Pŏpsang 法相or "dharma-characteristic." The formation of this school is usually attributed to the influence of Wŏnhyo 元曉.
The sects, e. g. 華嚴宗, 天台宗, 眞言宗 Huayan, Tiantai, Shingon, which hold that all things proceed from the bhūtatathatā, i. e. the dharmakāya, and that all phenomena are of the same essence as the noumenon.