法無我 The compositional elements of existence are devoid of an inherent nature. This is a more advanced level of perception of the emptiness of existence than the view of the lack of the possession of inherent nature by sentient beings (人無我). Synonyms include 法空 and 無自性.
dharmanairātmya. Things are without independent individuality, i.e. the tenet that things have no independent reality, no reality in themselves. 法無我智 The knowledge or wisdom of the above.
二解 如成無性品中說。
三解 唯識二十論五頁云:若知諸法,一切種無,入法無我;是則唯識亦畢竟無。何所安立?非知諸法一切種無,乃得名為入法無我。然達愚夫遍計所執自性差別諸法無我,如是乃名入法無我。非諸佛境離言法性,亦都無故,名法無我。餘識所執此唯識性,其體亦無。名法無我。不爾;餘識所執境有,則唯識理,應不得成。許諸餘識有實境故。由此道理,說立唯識教,普令悟入一切法無我。非一切種。撥有性故。