法處所攝色 Also expressed as duofachuse 墮法處色. In the doctrine of the Faxiang school, this refers to all material elements that are included as objects of the six senses that are not covered under the categories of the five faculties (五根) and the five object-realms (五境). That is, there are some objects of the mind which are included as material elements. In Consciousness-only theory, five types are included in this group.(1) jiluese 極略色 The understanding of the atomic nature of existence of the five
faculties, the five object realms, the four elements and so forth, due to the analysis by wisdom. This is a level of subtlety that can be theorized through analysis, but cannot be perceived by the sense organs. Material objects too small to be seen. The existence of atoms cannot be directly perceived by the five senses, but their existence can be inferred. (2) jise 極色 The extreme subtlety of the visible colors of the relative category, such as light, shadow, brightness, dullness, and the relative categories of forms, such as length, shortness, squareness and roundness. (3) shousuoyin se 受所引色 Unmanifest matter that is created as a result of receiving the precepts into one's mind. See wubiao se 無表色 and jieti 戒體. In the doctrine of the Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya 倶舎論, this is simply considered as "unmanifest form", but in Consciousness-only, the 'seeds of goodness' that are gained as a result of the mental action at the time of receiving the precepts are taken as the 'essence of the precepts.' The word means "gained according to the reception of the precepts." A provisional element. (4) dingsuoyin se 定所引色 Forms of magical production and transformation.' This is a form element where the sage in meditation can freely transform and manifest things. By thinking of water or fire, he can manifest water or fire. Or he can transform sand and soil into gold and silver and so forth. (5) bianjisuoqi se 遍計所起色 The situation of the sixth consciousness, unconnected to the other five consciousnesses, reflecting on the past, or giving rise to illusory objects, such as flowers in the sky. This form (object) is risen through the mistaken discriminatory power of the sixth consciousness.
dharmāyatana-paryāpannam…rūpam, dharmāyatana-paryāpanna
顯揚一卷十三頁云:法處所攝色,謂一切時意所行境,色蘊所攝,無見無對。此復三種。謂律儀色、不律儀色、及三摩地所行境色。律儀色云何?謂防護身語業者,由彼增上,造作心心法故;依彼不現行法,建立色性。不律儀色云何?謂不防護身語業者,由彼增上,造作心心法故;依彼現行法,建立色性。三摩地所行境色云何?謂由下中上三摩地俱轉相應心心法故;起彼所緣影像色性,及彼所作成就色性。是名法處所攝色。##二解 雜集論一卷八頁云:法處所攝色者:略有五種。謂極略色、極迥色、受所引色、遍計所起色、自在所生色。極略色者:謂極微色。極迥色者:謂即此離餘礙觸色。受所引色者:謂無表色。遍計所起色者:謂影像色。自在所生色者:謂解脫靜慮所行境色。