aśaikṣa. No longer learning, beyond study, the state of arhatship, the fourth of the śrāvaka stages; the preceding three stages requiring study; there are nine grades of arhats who have completed their course of learning.
(aśaikṣa). "No-more-learning;" the stage at which one no longer needs religious training, as opposed to 有學 (youxue). Another name for an arhat 阿羅漢 who has completed the course of practice. One who has attained the state of arhat, has already abandoned all defilement, so there remains nothing to learn and practice. The last of the four stages 四果 of the śrāvaka path.
二解 顯揚五卷十八頁云:問:何義,幾種,是無學?答:修學究竟善義故。一切少分是無學。
三解 雜集論四卷六頁云:云何無學?幾是無學?為何義故,觀無學耶?謂於諸學處,已得究竟者,所有善法,是無學義。以阿羅漢等於增上戒心慧學處,已得究竟故,名無學。十界四處諸蘊一分,是無學。為捨執著已脫我故,觀察無學。
四解 俱舍論二十四卷十一頁云:如是盡智,至已生時,便成無學阿羅漢果。已得無學應果法故。為得別果所應修學,此無有故。得無學名。