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(asaṃskrta-dharmāh). Eternal, absolute conditions separated from arising, changing and ceasing. Unconditioned existence. A way of speaking about nirvāna, etc., which is not subject to cause, or the principle of the condition of escape from transmigration. In contrast to 'conditioned existence' (有爲法) unconditioned existence has the meaning of 'eternally existing.' In Abhidharma philosophy, 'conditioned' and 'unconditioned' elements are considered to be impermanent and eternal respectively, each having their own isolated existence. On the other hand, in Consciousness-only theory, both are seen as two aspects of the same thing, the true nature of conditioned existence being that of the absolute existence of unconditioned elements.


asaṃskṛta dharmas, anything not subject to cause, condition, or dependence; out of time, eternal, inactive, supra-mundane. Sarvāstivādins enumerate three: ākāśa, space or ether; pratisaṃhyā-nirodha, conscious cessation of the contamination of the passions; apratisaṃhyā-nirodha, unconscious or effortless cessation.

A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous
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