Asaṅga. Also translated as 無着 and transcribed as 阿僧伽. A great exponent of the Yogācāra School who was a native of Gandhāra in north India in the fourth century CE. Born as a Brahmin's son, he first followed Hīnayāna but was later converted to Mahāyāna. He composed numerous discourses on the Yogācāra philosophy and practice, including the Mahāyāna-saṃgraha-śāstra 攝大乘論 and Prakaranāryavāca-śāstra 顯揚聖教論. In the Tibetan tradition, he is also attributed with the authorship of the Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論. Myth says that he often visited Tuṣita Heaven to receive the teaching from Maitreya. His younger brother Vasubandhu 世親 further developed Yogācāra doctrine.
Unattached, not in bondage to anything. Name of Asaṅga, brother of Vasubandhu, and others.
無著 (wú zhuó) “(one, who) is free from attachment”(a translation of skt.arhat) Cf. 無所著(wú suǒ zhuó), 無著塔(wú zhuó tǎ), 無著證(wú zhuó zhèng) ;
{《漢語大詞典》7.130b(梁代)} ; {《大漢和辞典》7.445b(梁代)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {63a5} 比丘千二百一切無著,諸漏已盡,無復欲塵,已得自在,逮得己利,生死已索,衆結即斷(p)
{K.1.6} arhat~
Kumārajīva: {L.1c17} 阿羅漢
Dharmarakṣa: {83a6} 我等今日 乃爲聲聞……… 今日乃爲 致無所著 以無著誼 爲諸天説(v)
{∈K.119.2} arhāmahe (v.l. arhāmathaḥ, cf. Krsh.90)
Kumārajīva: {L.18c23} 應受(供養)
Dharmarakṣa: {83a10} 今日無著 燒罪度岸 修行爲業 踊躍歡喜(v)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.18c25}
Dharmarakṣa: {97a25} 爾時,五百無著目見耳聞如來授決,歡喜踊躍,往詣佛所(p)
{K.209.9} arhat~
Kumārajīva: {L.29a1} 阿羅漢
Dharmarakṣa: {112b16} 吾初逮成 爲佛道時 在於城中 若樹無著 則便講演 無上法輪 勸立其志 於尊佛道(v)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.41b24}
Dharmarakṣa: {118a27} 黎庶一時倶履道跡、往來、不還、無著,得證(p)
{K.347.11} arhat~
Kumārajīva: {L.46c18} 阿羅漢
無著(wú zhuó) (name of a ghost)
Dharmarakṣa: {130b22}
{K.400.6} Acalā
{v.l.} Analā
cf. Krsh.239
Kumārajīva: {L.59a24} 無厭足