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(1) Non-impedimentary moral neutrality; one of the two kinds of morally neutral 無記 categories of mental functions, the other being impedimentary moral neutrality 有覆無記. Mental functions of neutral nature that does not hinder enlightenment. Pure nature, traceless nature. (akliṣṭa-avyākṛta;). This concept was originally developed by the Sarvāstivādins 有部, who distinguished four kinds of non-impedimentary moral neutrality. See 四種無記. (2) According to the explanation given in the Yogācāra school 瑜伽行派, since the ālayavijñāna 阿頼耶識 is not obstructed by the adventitious afflictions which are based in the sixth consciousness, it is called "non-impedimentary" 無覆. Since fruits appear which differ from their causes 異熟, they are not discriminated as good and evil, and are thus called "neutral" 無記 (Skt. anivṛta-avyākṛta; Tib. ma bsgribs luṅ ma bstan).



二解 成唯識論三卷四頁云:覆、謂染法。障聖道故。又能蔽心、令不淨故。此識非染,故名無覆。記、謂善惡。有愛非愛果、及殊勝,自體、可記別故。此非善惡,故名無記。

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