祕密 [py] mìmì [wg] mi-mi [ko] 비밀 pimil [ja] ヒミツ himitsu ||| (1) Secret, occult, esoteric, mysterious, hidden, profound; teachings that are not readily understandable without a deep insight into the nature of Buddhist reality, or without a special instruction or initiation. The opposite of this is the readily apprehensible 顯了teaching. (2) The teachings of Mahāvairocana Tathāgata 大日; esoteric teaching. (3) According to Zhiyi 智顗, one of the four types of the Buddha's teaching, wherein the listener is made to think that only he is hearing the sermon and the level of understanding among those in the audience (who are unaware of each other) is different.
Secret, occult, esoteric, mysterious, profound.
梵語 guhya,巴利語 guyha。深奧隱密,不易為人知。如如來所具之神通力,或如來所未曾宣說之密意。攝大乘論本卷中載,如來之意含有四種祕密(又作四祕密、四種合義、四節、四依):(一)令入祕密,為導眾生入真實智,先隨世俗之想法而說。(二)相祕密,為示一切法無自性,無生無滅,說如遍計所執性等三性。(三)對治祕密,為對治種種過失,說種種法。(四)轉變祕密,其意義與表面上之言語、文字之敘述全別;真義隱含其中,非如明言所示。此外,一般又將佛教分為顯露之教(顯教)與祕密之教(密教)兩種。另據隋代智顗之說,在佛的說法中,雖係同聞佛之教法,但彼此之理解不同,互不相知,故稱為祕密(化儀四教中之祕密教)。〔法華經卷五如來壽量品、大智度論卷四、卷六十五、梁譯攝大乘論釋卷十五、華嚴金師子章、法華玄義釋籤卷二〕
guhya, rahasya, abhisaṃdhi; abhisaṃdhi-dharma*, gupta, gupti, guhyam, mantra, saṃdhyā, sarahasya.