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祕藏寶鑰 [py] Mìcángbăoyue4 [wg] Mi-ts'ang-pao-yüeh [ko] 비장보약 Pijangpoyak [ja] ヒゾウホウヤク hizōhōyaku ||| Hizōhōyaku T 2426.77.363-374; Gilded Key to the Secret Vault. The abridged (1 fasc.) and more widely studied version of Kūkai's 空海 seminal treatise, 'The Ten Strata of Realization' 十住心論 [T2425], completed in 825. It opens with a statement of the problem: countless texts of every religious inclination have been published and studied, and though we may pore over these until our deaths, how can we get to the root of it all? (内外縑緗千萬軸。。。書死、諷死、本何爲。) Living things endure a wide range of hardships and it is for this reason that there are so many kinds of remedies, reasons Kūkai, who proceeds to classify these paths to deliverance -- synonymous with degrees of realization -- in ten ascending stages: 1. A goatlike mind 異生羝羊心 fixated on lust and hunger 但念婬食. 2. A retarded yet moderate mind 愚童持薺心, showing an emergent tendency to be charitable 施心萌動. 3. An infantile mind which fears not, 嬰童無畏心 held by heretics going to heaven 外道生天. 4. A mind which recognises transitory aggregates but no permanent self, 唯蘊無我心 as articulated in the entire Pāli canon 羊乘三藏. 5. A mind purged of karmic seeds, 拔業因種心 having mastered the twelvefold causation 修身十二. 6. A mind interdependent with others, that of the Mahāyāna, 他縁大乘身 in which great compassion first manifests 大悲初發. 7. A mind aware that it is unborn, 覺心不生心 serene from comprehending emptiness in an instant 心原空寂. 8. A mind which knows Truly the One Way 如實一道心境. 9. A mind utterly without self-nature 極無自性心, just as the water's surface has no intrinsic nature 水無自性. 10. The hidden and lavish mind 祕密莊嚴心, revealed by the way of mantras when conventional medicines have cleared the dust 顯樂拂塵、眞言開庫. Kūkai further identifies the ten stages with different religious schools and the samādhi 三昧 of particular divinities, but reiterates that all were taught by the "Great Awakened, the Compassionate Father" 大覺慈父. The notion of "kinds of minds" draws on discussions in the first chapter of the Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi 大日經

[Dictionary References] Iwa676 [Credit] isinclair(entry)


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