義 (1) In Confucianism, justice, righteousness, morality, right conduct. (2) In general usage, meaning, purport, interpretation. [Buddhism] (1) Affair, object, thing, substance. That which is expressed in words (artha, don). (2) Meaning, especially as expressed in a form of literature. Gist, motive, purpose (artha); words (vacana). (3) Reason, or matter. (4) Truth [道理]. Correct, true teaching, as distinguished from provisional 假説 teachings.
The right, proper, righteous; loyal; public-spirited, public; meaning, significance. It is used for the Skt. artha, object, purpose, meaning, etc.; also for abhidheya.
artha, dharma, naya, abhidheya, nirdeśa; adhikāra, adhivacana, abhilāpya, abhisaṃdhi, artha-gati, arthatā, artha-para, artha-vaśa, ukta, eko ‘rthaḥ, kalpanā, kāraṇa, kāvya, karma, -tā, nimitta, niṣkarṣa, nyāya, pakṣa, padartha, padarthaka, parihāra, paryāya, prakāra, prabandha, prayojana, prasaṇga, bhāva, yukti, vacana, vastu, vākyartha, vāda, vaicitrya-naya, saṃpad, sthāna .