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觀無量壽經 The Guan wuliangshou jing, the Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life, given the reconstructed Sanskrit title of Amitāyur-dhyāna-sūtra; 1 fasc., translated in 424 by Kālayaśas 畺良耶舎, believed to be of Central Asian origin. T 365.12.340c-346b. The catalog name is 佛説觀無量壽佛經, and it is also known as the 無量壽佛經, 無量壽佛觀經, 無量壽觀經, 十六觀經, and abbreviated as 觀經. There was reportedly one other translation, but it had been lost since 730. This is one of the three principal scriptures 三部經 of the Pure Land school 淨土宗. It is recorded as being a sermon delivered by Śākyamuni at the request of the Queen Vaidehī 韋提希 of Magadha, while her husband was imprisoned. This scripture teaches sixteen kinds of meditation 十六觀 as a means for attaining rebirth in the Pure Land. It concludes by saying that even the most sinful of people can attain this kind of rebirth by chanting the name of Amitābha Buddha 阿彌陀佛. This text was commented on profusely in East Asian Buddhism, the most important early commentary being that of Shandao 觀無量壽佛經疏, with others by Huiyuan 觀無量壽經義疏, Zhiyi 觀無量壽佛經疏, and Jizang 觀無量壽經義疏. It served as a fundamental teaching text for all later Pure Land master, including Tanluan, Daocho, and Hōnen 法然. Important modern research was done on the text by Takakusu Junjiro, who translated it with the Sanskrit title given above (1894).



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