The Asaba shō; (Anthology of A, Sa and Va). 227 fasc. in total [fasc. 1-53: TZ.3190.8.743, fasc.54-227: TZ.3190.9.1.ff], abbreviated as Anthology of A 阿抄, an enormous iconographic work compiled by Shōchō 承澄 (1205-1281) in Fuminaga 文永. The three syllables of the title refer to the three families 三部 of the East Asian esoteric pantheon: the buddha family is 'a' 阿 (anutpāda), the dharma-body of originally uncreated dharmas; the lotus family is 'sa' 娑 (sata), the lotus of attachment to untainted dharmas; and the vajra family is 'va' 縛 (varjana), the vajra of preaching dharmas which transcend words. Historical anecdotes and quotes from relevant texts accompany the presentations of iconography and ritual. This compendium is authoritative for Japanese Tendai 台密.